Sunday 31 August 2014

South Bank, London - Summer Festival

South Bank is full of attractions and events all year round, particularly in summer. The Summer Festival South Bank showcases every year creates a wonderful place for all to enjoy. I recently spent my entire Saturday roaming the banks of the Thames exploring South Bank. Without a doubt it would have been one of the best days I have had to date. 

I started my day from London Bridge Station where I wandered through Borough Market for the second time that week before I continued along the river front. I past the Millennium Bridge, the OXO Tower, Gabriel's Wharf, Shakespeare's Globe, Tate Modern and the South Bank Book market before finally arriving at the world-famous art centres of South Bank. 

This year's summer festival was the Festival of Love which showcased a different performance each week, free workshops for the public to get involved, as well as many theatre productions. There was so much to do and see around this area including the Real Food Markets located behind the South Bank Centre, street performances, and a wide range of restaurants, cafes and shops to enjoy. 

I so happen to wander into the Queen Elizabeth Hall just in the nick of time to purchase a discounted ticket to watch Grove on Down the Road - Best thing I did all day!! The show re-imagines the beloved story of The Wizard of Oz, showcasing an exhilarating Hip-Hop dance adventure for the whole family. It was amazing!

here are some photos from the Real Food Markets:

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